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Sump Pump

Spring cleaning is one of the best things you can do for your home each year. Just make sure you don’t forget your plumbing! There are a few maintenance tasks that every homeowner should perform each spring. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important ones. Keep reading to learn more!

Do you need reliable plumbing services in Peterborough? Call Cardinal Plumbing & Electric today at 705-745-1221!

1. Is your sump pump working?

A fully functional sump pump can be the difference between some minor water damage in your basement and thousands of dollars in restoration costs. For this reason, it’s always a good idea to make sure your home’s sump pump is working properly. If the pump doesn’t turn on, you may need a plumber to repair or replace it.

2. Are any outdoor spigots or faucets leaking?

During cold weather, most homeowners shut off the water to their hose bibs and exterior faucets to prevent burst pipes. This can make previous leaks undetectable until you turn the water back on in spring. Do a perimeter check around your home when you turn the water on so you can see if any outdoor taps have a leak that could be wasting water.

3. Are there any “slow drains” you need to address?

If water drains slowly from a sink, shower, or bathtub, then this means a clog is forming somewhere downstream in the pipe. If only one plumbing fixture is affected, then the clog is relatively close to the surface. However, if multiple plumbing fixtures are draining slowly, or if water is backing up into multiple sinks, showers, or tubs, then you most likely have a clog in your home’s sewer line.

Clogs do not solve themselves, and as the weather warms up, that blockage in your pipes will start to reek. If the clog gets back enough, the pressure buildup can even cause a pipe to burst, leading to some very gross and messy water damage. It’s better to face the problem head-on and contact a plumber to cable or hydro-jet your drains before the blockage gets worse.

4. Are there any leaks under your sinks?

Small leaks below sinks can go undetected for weeks or even months. During that time, all of that moisture can lead to mold growth and attract humidity-loving pests like ants and cockroaches. Grab a flashlight and inspect the space below your home’s sinks for any signs of dripping or pooling water.

5. Get your backwater valve tested and maintained.

If your home has a backwater valve, this means it has a device that prevents sewage from flowing backward from the local sewer into your home. This is a problem that can happen when heavy rainfall floods municipal sewers, pushing dirty water and waste “backward” into homes. (If you don’t have one of these devices, we highly recommend getting one installed, particularly if your neighborhood is known for flooding.)

Occasionally, these valves can malfunction due to debris getting stuck, a flawed installation, or old age. For this reason, it’s smart to get your backwater valve tested and maintained by a professional. That way you can have peace of mind knowing it will work when needed and prevent your home from becoming contaminated with sewage.

Peterborough Plumbing Services

At Cardinal Plumbing & Electric, our Peterborough plumbers have the knowledge and experience to assist with all your plumbing needs, indoors and outdoors. We equip our team members with quality tools and use trusted industry methods to ensure excellent service on every job. Schedule your appointment with us today by giving us a call at 705-745-1221.

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