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Sump Pump

5 Things To Watch Out For To Protect Your Home From Electrical Fire

A majority of fires are caused by malfunctions in the wiring of a home or business. Here are five warning signs that you should have your wiring examined. Flickering Lights When you turn...


4 Reasons Why You Should Install a Generator

You have a long winter ahead, and with long and cold winters comes the potential of a power outage. In today’s world, you rely heavily on your technological devices, not to mention the...


8 Tips For An Electricity-Smart And SAFE Holiday Season

There’s nothing like the twinkling of Christmas lights, or walking through the snow on a wintry evening and seeing those Christmas trees all aglow in people’s homes. With the Christmas season in full...


6 Plumbing Tips That Can Keep This Season Festive

Got family coming over for the holidays? You are probably opening your home to family and friends to enjoy the holiday season with you. But the holiday festivities can quickly diminish if you’re...


Signs That You Need Septic Tank Service

If you’re not hooked up to the municipal sewer system—if you have a septic tank system—regular septic system maintenance is important. But it’s out of sight and out of mind, so what are...


Top Tips To Make Your Home’s Electricity Safer For Your Children

With the New Year here, this is often a time that we think about life, family, and what’s important to us. And if you have children, one of the things that is always...


7 Practical Ways to Conserve Water at Home

In Canada we’re used to have running water readily available and in seemingly endless supply, but the long-running drought in California and water restrictions in western states should tell us otherwise. There is...


5 Money Saving Tips To Spend Less On Your Home’s Energy Costs

Your power bill can be pretty expensive, right? With all the other bills that arrive in the mailbox each month, you wonder if it will ever stop. We all need a break from...


Our Best Plumbing Tips For Your Home

If you own a home, then you know a key part of home ownership is caring and maintaining your home’s plumbing system. While there are licensed professionals to do a lot of the...


What To Do About A Slow Or Clogged Drain On A Septic System

As long as everything goes down the drain, no one worries about their drain and sewer line (or septic line). Regular maintenance would keep all your drains flowing smoothly, but many homeowners have...